Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Hello to all my new readers!

I am delighted to see that so many people have been checking out my new digs here today after my announcement that the original Sir Critic on Cinema is closing up shop. Thank you all! I maintain an email notification list; if you would like to be on it, drop me a line at

So I'm going to take this opportunity to put a question to my visitors, both old and new - what would you like to see in this new blog? What would keep you coming back to it? How could I make it stand out among the multitude of movie blogs? What topics would you like to opine about? And why in the world is a Showgirls 2 even a remote possibility?

OK, that last one is more rhetorical than anything else. But I'll entertain answers on that too. Anything goes. Suggest! Recommend! Comment! Discuss! Question?


Unknown said...

I love features that get folks discussing their own personal experiences with the movies, in the vein of the "your first horror movie" or "first movie theater experience" posts you've done in the past.

What I'd also really like is something that maybe discusses upcoming interesting movies in development. And of course keeping some of your existing features, like the what's new on DVD or coming out this Friday, or What Are You Watching? All of those things are helpful and informative. :)

You can also put some nifty gadgets on your sidebar like the current top 5 in box office and perhaps something similar to Ebert's Movie Glossary with interesting movie trivia and facts.

Sir Critic said...

Interesting thoughts, Allie. I will definitely continue to do the "personal experience" posts, since those usually got good responses. As for those regular features like DVDs and Friday releases and such, I wonder if I should maybe modify those somehow. That info is available on any number of blogs, and since I'm not necessarily writing specifically for the Dayton market anymore, knowing what theatrical release to cover can be tricky. Maybe I should find some unique way to "spin" them.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Take a poll every now and then. I like to see a gauge of what people enjoy and don't.

Unknown said...

That's a good point that since you don't have to really write for a particular market, you may not have to devote entire blog posts to it. Again, that could be something you can put as a sidebar feature here. You may even be able to import an RSS feed from Netflix or Flixter or a similar site for those ends.

An occasional Q&A session is also a possible thing to consider. I adore the Answer Man column, for instance, and you have a wealth of knowledge to tap. Being able to take questions and do a weekly or bi-weekly feature would be fantastic.

Ken said...

From a content reporting standpoint, there are some vary handy Google Friend Connect gadgets that would go great here. Either the Ratings and Review gadget or Recommendation gadget would blend in very nicely, and help show what your readers are drawn to, as well.

Anonymous said...

I love old movie chats. Keep people up on old movies so the younger generation can find ways to connect to them. As Alex Baldwin said on TCM that one cannot really appreciate movies without knowing and understanding old movies as they are the platform for today!

Tiffany said...

I liked the idea of the Q&A sessions with you. I also like your references and posts to classic movies as well .